About Us

our story

Hello there!
We are Alice and Istvan.

Travelling has always been our passion, and it’s become even more special since we’ve been together. We’ve explored numerous enchanting destinations across Europe and Asia, both as solo adventurers and as a dynamic duo. But let us tell you, there’s something truly extraordinary about our beloved Brașov.


I was born and raised in Bucharest, but before meeting Istvan, I had the chance to visit Brașov a couple of times. Even back then, the beauty of the old town captured me.

After moving here, it took me a few months to get used to life in Brașov, especially since, compared to Bucharest, it is more low key.

But now, with every walk through its charming streets, I feel like I’m on a journey through time, uncovering architectural treasures at every turn.

And one of the best things about Brașov is how close it is to nature. It’s incredible! From the city center, I can easily hike up to Tampa Mountain or Poiana Brașov in just an hour.

What else can I really say? Since meeting Istvan and moving here, Brașov has truly become my home.


For me, this city holds a special place in my heart because it’s not just a destination I stumbled upon while exploring the world—it’s my birthplace.

I was born here, raised here, and even pursued my education here.

The familiar streets, the cozy neighborhoods, and the sense of belonging I feel are simply unparalleled.

Brasov’s charming blend of history, culture, and natural beauty has shaped my identity and left an incredible mark on me.

our mission

Make Brasov known to the world and inspire others to experience its magic firsthand!

Our mission is to shine an even brighter spotlight on Brașov. Despite being a popular destination in Romania, the city is yet to be fully discovered by foreign tourists.

With compelling narratives and captivating visuals, our goal is to introduce more people to the enchanting beauty and hidden treasures this charming city holds.

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery as we unravel the wonders of Brașov together.

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